Our program is inclusive of the following
Volunteer’s Week
First Day: You will be welcomed by our volunteer coordinator and introduced to the children and local staff. If undertaking the teaching volunteering program, you will be introduced to the different classes and be assigned one according to both the needs and your preference
United Kingdom
My time spent at Rainedge International Centre has got to be one of my most treasured moments to date! The children were beautiful inside and out and their stories moved and inspired me. I had to the opportunity to serve at the orphanage in various capacities but I really enjoyed singing with the children’s choir most of all. They are truly a talented bunch of children and very loving. Even though we were there to help, I really feel that my time at the orphanage helped me to become a more grounded and content person.
Kathryn Saunders,
United Kingdom
Volunteering at Sure24 is like spending time with extended family. From the moment you step in the compound, you will be greeted by many friendly faces. You will experience all aspects of the projects and get to see how life in Nakuru really is for yourself. I have spent a number of visits with this incredible organization and I can’t wait for the next trip!